FastAid, fastaid, CFR, solihull, birmingham

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Please Gift Aid!

FastAid are able to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. That's as long as you’ve paid the basic rate of tax and make the donation from your own funds. That means Gift Aid can increase the value of your donations by 25% at no cost to you, if you select and complete the gift-aid section when you donate

Ways to Support Us

There are numerous ways to support FastAid and become the hero your community needs.

In emergencies, where every second counts, your donations and support can be the difference between life and death.

Our Community First Responders (CFRs) can only provide immediate care to your neighbours in Birmingham and Solihull with the support you provide; we cannot do this without you!

Just last month, a FastAid CFR performed CPR and used a defibrillator, thanks to your support. This action saved a life, and the patient is now recovering well.

This is just one instance of the many lives saved by our extraordinary CFRs and your generosity.

So when we say your donation "could mean the difference between life and death," we truly mean it. Please support us and help us continue to deliver emergency aid to your community today.

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Will you join our lifesaving mission?

Here's how you can make an immediate impact:

  • Donate Now: Your one-time or monthly gift equips CFRs with life-saving defibrillators, oxygen, and vital medical supplies. Every £10 donation funds one of our cars for a day!
  • Become a Fundraising Champion: Organize a collection drive, host a fun run, or inspire your friends and family to donate. Every penny raised helps to save lives in our community.
  • Leave a Legacy of Hope: Including FastAid in your will ensures our lifesaving mission continues for years to come.
  • Partner with Us: Make FastAid your company's charity of the year and invest in the well-being of your community. Donations help us keep our essential vehicles on the road, provide uniforms, and training for our CFRs.
  • Apply for a Grant: We can apply for grant funding to support our lifesaving initiatives in Birmingham and Solihull. Could you help write a grant proposal?  

Business support

Supporting FastAid demonstrates a commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), enhancing your business’s reputation and brand image. By donating, you directly impact the lives of over 1,000 people in Birmingham and Solihull annually - real individuals who benefit from the immediate care provided by our CFR's. Your tax-deductible contribution ensures that this vital service continues. Encourage employee engagement through fundraising events, fostering team spirit and boosting morale. Additionally, supporting FastAid opens networking opportunities with like-minded organisations and provides positive publicity through media coverage. Aligning with health and safety initiatives, your business demonstrates genuine concern for the community.

Join the hundreds of incredible supporters who are making Birmingham and Solihull a safer place. Contact our dedicated Fundraising Team today and discover how your generosity can save lives.

collection can, fundraising, FastAid

Collection can 

Does your business have a heart? Help us save lives by becoming a FastAid Collection Can Host!

We have a limited number of our newly branded collection cans available for local shops, cafes, pubs, social clubs, and any other community space that wants to make a difference.

Every penny raised through your collection can will go directly towards keeping our CFR's on the road. With your support, you can help ensure we have the tools we need to save lives in your community!

Ready to join our lifesaving mission? It's easy!

  1. Contact us today or email
  2. We'll deliver your can: A member of our team will arrange delivery of your new collection can.
  3. Start collecting: Display your can proudly and encourage your customers to donate.

Together, we can build a safer Birmingham and Solihull, one hero at a time.


Double the Impact: Donate to FastAid While Going Green!

Did you know you can support lifesaving care for Birmingham and Solihull while helping the environment?

Recycle your old inkjet cartridges with FastAid!

It's easy and makes a difference:

  • Each cartridge is worth up to £2 for FastAid. Your used cartridges translate lives being saved!
  • Free to send in or drop them off! You can conveniently hand them to any FastAid member.
  • Good for you, good for the planet, good for Birmingham and Solihull!

Recycle for a cause! Contact us today to learn more about our inkjet cartridge recycling program.

Together, we can build a safer and greener Birmingham and Solihull!

FastAid Solihull Birmingham inkjet cartirdge recycling
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