FastAid, fastaid, CFR, solihull, birmingham


A heartfelt thank you from the streets of Birmingham and Solihull to our incredible supporters! Businesses, charities, organisations and individuals like you are the beating heart of our charity. Your generous contributions empower a lifesaving network of Community First Responders. Our everyday heroes are ready 24/7 to answer emergency calls, providing emergency care until ambulances arrive. Because of people like you, countless lives have been saved, families held together, and communities made safer.

FastAid believe in giving credit to their doners wherever possible. these are

  • Our dedicated Lions International local clubs
  • Research Garage
  • The various Masonic lodges
  • Residents Associations 
  • The 41 Club
  • Rotary clubs 
  • The Churchill Foundation 
  • SMBC
  • Touchwood 
  • The Onward Club
  • Arconic Foundation
  • Lily Mae Foundation
  • Arrive Alive
  • Eversfield School
  • Arden Storage
  • Adlingtons
  • Balsall & District Horticultural Society
  • Our dedicated church supporter's
  • Heart of England community foundation
  • Shirley Late Knights
  • The Pup & Duckling

And so many more incredible individuals and organisations! We are deeply grateful for your generosity.

The need for lifesaving heroes continues. Every day, people in Birmingham and Solihull face emergencies. With your continued support, we can:

  • Train even more lifesavers: Equip them with the skills and knowledge to make a difference in their communities.
  • Provide cutting-edge equipment: Ensure our responders have the best tools to save lives.
  • Expand our reach: Extend our lifesaving network to more neighbourhoods across Birmingham and Solihull.

Will you join us in saving lives? Here's how you can make a lasting impact:

  • Donate today: Your generosity empowers our mission.
  • Become a volunteer either as a Friend of FastAid or as a CFR.
  • Spread the word: Raise awareness about FastAid and the critical role of Community First Responders.

Together, we can build a safer Solihull  & Birmingham, one hero at a time.

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